Multi-attribute Utility Analysis

Name: Multi-attribute Utility Analysis

Reference: Edwards, W. (1977). How to use multi-attribute utility measurement for social decision making. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 7, 326-340.

Edwards, W. and Newman, J.R (1982). Multivariate Evaluation.  Quantitative Applications. In, J.L. Sullivan and R.G. Niemi (Eds.) The Social Sciences 26, 96.

Keeney, R.L., and H. Raiffa. 1993. Decisions with Multiple Objectives: Preferences and Value Trade-Offs. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

Clemen, R.T., and R. Reilly (Eds.). 2004. Making Hard Decisions with Decision Tools. Boston, MA: South-western College Publishing.

Conservation planning step(s) when this would be used:
This would be used in the Set Goals and Objectives step.

Description of tool use:
A tool for helping to deal with the tradeoffs and uncertainties inherent in decision-making where multiple, competing objectives are involved. Utility, or the value associated with a particular decision alternative, is measured as some function of the performance of that alternative on multiple different objectives.

Experience and expertise required to use the tool:
This is not suitable for use in the absence of tool-specific expertise.

Data requirements:
The tool is suitable for use in data poor situations.

Apart from the expertise, the tool itself can be used for FREE.

Strengths and weaknesses, when to use and interpret with caution:
Eliciting preferences and translating those preferences into numerical values can be difficult.

Case study:
Store, R. and J. Kangas (2001). Integrating spatial multi-criteria evaluation and expert knowledge for GIS-based habitat suitability modeling. Landscape and Urban Planning 55:79-93.


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Contributor(s): Sarah Converse            
Affiliation: USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
Date: 7 February 2012