Habitat Suitability Modeling

Name: Habitat Suitability Modeling

Reference: Hatten et al (2005). A spatial model of potential jaguar habitat in Arizona. Journal of Wildlife Management 69(3):1024-1033 (http://www.csun.edu/~dlb10399/Docs/Geog406_Spring10/Readings/JaguarHabitat_Hatten_2005.pdf)

Conservation planning step(s) when this would be used:
This would be used at the Review Status step for threats analysis, and at the Set Goals and Objectives and Plan Action steps of the process.

Description of tool use: Provides known and potential distribution maps of species based on habitat models.  The process takes GIS data and allows species parameters to be applied and geographically interpreted, to generate inferred range. During a threats analysis, this can help identify the nature and relative importance of threats.

During the Plan Actions and Set Goals and Objectives steps, preparatory work creates the base map of what exists today. Scenarios are then designed and modeled which predict future landscape status and habitat distribution under different possible circumstances such as increased human footprint or climate change, habitat corridor creation, etc.

Experience and expertise required to use the tool: This tool requires GIS and considerable specialist expertise and experience.

Data requirements: This tool requires a large amount of good, high quality data.

Cost: Not completed.

Strengths and weaknesses, when to use and interpret with caution: Not completed.

Case studies:
Akçakaya, H.R., M.A. Burgman, O. Kindvall, C. Wood, P. Sjögren-Gulve, J. Hatfield, and M.A. McCarthy (editors). 2004. Species Conservation and Management: Case Studies. Oxford University Press, New York.

Carroll, C., Phillips, M.K., Lopez-Gonzalez, C.A., and N.H. Schumaker (2006) Defining Recovery Goals and Strategies for Endangered Species: The Wolf as a Case Study. BioScience 56(1): 25-37.


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Contributor(s): Translated from the data provided at the Abruzzi workshop.    