Objectives Hierarchies

Name: Objectives Hierarchies

References: Keeney, R.L. (1988) Structuring Objectives for Problems of Public Interest. Operations Research 36(3):396-405

Keeney, R.L. (1992) Value-focused thinking: a path to creative decisionmaking. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.   

Conservation planning step(s) when this would be used: This would be used in the Set Goals and Objectives step.

Description of tool use: A tool for illustrating and organizing the objectives relevant to a given decision and the relationships among the objectives. Developing an objectives hierarchy requires involving the decision maker and relevant stakeholders in characterizing the objectives across multiple and potentially competing sectors (e.g. economic, social, environmental and so on.). The tool focuses on recognition of the hierarchical nature of objectives, for example, increasing survival may be a means objective, which influences a fundamental objective such as reducing probability of persistence for a given species. Survival would fall below probability of persistence in the objectives hierarchy.

Experience and expertise required to use the tool: The tool requires no specific expertise for use, but the tool will be used most effectively when facilitated by a decision analyst with experience in objectives elicitation.

Data requirements: The tool is suitable for use in data poor situations.

Cost: Apart from the expertise, the tool itself can be used for FREE.

Strengths and weaknesses, when to use and interpret with caution: This tool is powerful for understanding the objectives relevant to a decision-making problem, and the relationship among those objectives. It is critical to frame the problem as a decision, with an established context and decision-maker, before relevant objectives can be identified and organized. If used in a poorly-defined decision-analytic context, or if facilitation of the objectives elicitation is poor, the resulting objectives and relationships among them may be faulty.  

Case study: Maguire, L (2004) What can decision analysis do for invasive species management? Risk Analysis 24: 859-868.


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Contributor(s) name: Sarah Converse            
Affiliation: USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
Email: sconverse@usgs.gov                        
Date: 7 February 2012